As I was disputing with the insurance company this morning about my Dad’s damaged cell phone, an interesting thought occurred to me… we can purchase insurance on just about everything under the sun – everything from your life, your house, your pets, your jewelry, your plane ticket… well, you get the point. But the one thing that so many of us are vulnerable to is the one thing we can’t protect ourselves against: heartbreaks.
So then how does one insure their fragile heart? Call me a hopeless romantic, or a glutton for punishment, but I love falling in love – even though my uninsured broken heart may tell you otherwise. I don’t just fall – I dive right in, without worrying how deep the water is. But once I’m submerged in water, it’s not a matter of who will save me, but rather how I can stay afloat. You see, the true heroes aren’t the insurance companies or the lifeguards on duty – it’s those who dared to jump in… head first. And that’s me – it’s how I do, because quite frankly, that’s the only way I feel alive.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. At your local library they have these arranged in ways that can make you cry, giggle, love, hate, wonder, ponder, and understand. It's astonishing to see what these twenty-six little marks can do. In Shakespeare's hands they became Hamlet. Mark Twain wound them into Huckleberry Finn. James Joyce twisted them into Ulysses. Gibbon pounded them into The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. John Milton shaped them into Paradise Lost.