Hello fellow "For the Masses & the Asses" readers... yes, I'm talking to the five remaining ones I have: you, you, you, you and you. I guess I owe you guys an apology for being MIA for the past few months. It's not that I've forgotten about this blog (don't even dare think such a thing) -- it's just that, well, I have quite a few excuses. To start off:
1) I blame the dreaded four letter L word. Yes, you know the one that affects (and infects) almost all of us at various points in our lives. It spreads like a disease and before you know it, you're held hostage by it. I got l-a-z-y. Of course, that's no excuse for someone who claims to be a writer and takes pride in her blog, but today's a new (sleepless jetlagged) day, so here I am. Ta-daaa.
2) Life happened. To be more precise:
- I moved to the city. Two things worth noting about that sentence:
- 1) Yes, finally. It only took me 27 years but better late that never, right? It wasn't easy trying to convince my overprotective (read: loving) mother -- who, by the way, six months into my lease, is still questioning my decision -- to allow her little girl to move out. Move out on her own that is -- had I been moving in with my nonexistant husband... well, that's a different story and a topic for another blog.
- 2) For those of you living outside the tri-state area, the "city" generally refers to New York City. Also know as, quite possibly the greatest city on earth. Granted, that opinion is somewhat biased and near-sighted considering I've only visited a handful of other major cities, but someone had the right idea when they created those I <3 NY t-shirts.
- I met a guy. Yes, all those previous blogs about fate, dating, mating and whatever else rhymes with those words suddenly came to a screeching halt. For someone who grew up fantasizing about telling family, friends and future children a cute DDLJ-esque how-we-met story, ironically enough, our story was anything but that. We met online. I'll give you two guesses which site. Quite cliched in this day and age, but as a friend once told me, "the important thing isn't how you met... it's the fact that you met."
Now, this said guy, had given me plenty of "inspirations" for blogging, but I suddenly felt impersonal, sharing the ups and downs of my relationship on the same page, where not too long ago, I was pining for just that: a relationship. Not that I particularly care to paint a pefect rosy picture for the world to see and envy, I just didn't think any good would come from it. And let me tell you, I got 99 problems, so I don't need another one.
- My job. This often contributes to the aforementioned laziness, because like most other people, I too have a demanding work schedule and a wretched commute that sucks me dry on most weeknights. But despite the grueling days (and sometimes nights), I do love my job (mostly). When I started working here 2.5 years ago, I distinctly remember being told that "there might be some opportunities for travel... maybe to Europe, but definitely not Asia." Since then, I have traveled to London, Paris, Zurich, Singapore and Hong Kong, among other cities. Although international business trips are becoming increasingly the norm for my cohorts (at least, judging by their Facebook statuses), I would just like to state that I am grateful for these opportunities. Nothing quite gives me satisfaction as much as the Immigration Officer when he/she adds another stamp on my beloved passport.
- House hunting. Yes, I did just move into an apartment in the city, which is the very thing that led me to the realization that I could instead put my rent money towards a mortgage. So far that so-called realization has materialized into a Trulia account, few open houses, viewings, and far too many calls/emails with Brokers. I can see why so many people choose to continue renting -- who needs the hassle? For those of you who have already treaded down this path will agree that buying a house is practically a second full-time job. But unlike my primary full-time job, this one is not so fun, because it's forcing me to consider grown up questions like, "Are you pre-approved?" and "Are you willing to consider a short sale?" If it hadn't been for TV shows like Property Virgins and House Hunters, I would be even more clueless about this whole process. Thank you, HGTV.

- Ever After Proposals. That's the name of my new baby. Baby, as in my new business venture -- not as in Ivy Blue Carter. Official website to follow but let me take this moment to tell the five of you (or, the two, assuming the other three lost interest about four paragraphs ago) about it. Ever After Proposals is a boutique agency offering proposal consulting and planning services, which specializes in creating personalized engagement experiences.
That was the salesy bit. Here's the real deal: I do believe that everyone has some calling in life... whether it's making people laugh, putting together a chic outfit effortlessly, or baking the best moist brownies. My calling is somewhere between writing and watching people profess their love... or at least, so I like to think, until I discover another hidden talent. I mostly blame Hollywood and Bollywood and its abundance of chick flicks (DDLJ practically ruined me). But what's even more "aww-ing" is seeing these stories play out in the real world. I guess I just love love, and am in awe of everyday couples that find (or want to find) ways of showing and cementing their committment.
While on the topic of starting business ventures, I'd like to acknowledge a few people that have inadvertently inspired me to foray into the world of entrepreneurs. Granted, they're probably not reading this blog, nor do I intend to email them seperately, but suffice to say that the founders of businesses like
Suhaag Garden,
DJ Scarlett88,
Elite Event Management,
Annotto Studio and
Laly Designs have all played a small role in encouraging me to do something I love. All of them have a few things in common: they're young, followed their passion and took a chance. Thank you for inspiring me and filling my newsfeed with endless updates.
Since these aren't the Oscars and I'm not restricted to curtailing my "thank you speech" to under 1 minute, I'd also like to take this moment to thank another random person -- the only difference is, I've never met this woman. Not sure how I stumbled upon her
blog (no, it wasn't through Stumble Upon), but I'm glad I did, because something about her sheer raw natural banter, inspired me to pick up right where I had left off 11 months ago. So here I am.
And baby, it's good to be back.